
Beyond the Bimah

September 5, 2024

Baruch Levy

It’s 11 p.m., and two men are talking about implementing new software to better serve people. Not so unusual in this town, but a closer look reveals that one is completely unpaid. His passion? Powering connections of the Heavenly kind.

Gabba’im are on call all the time, frequently while juggling a full-time job, learning, raising their families, and dealing with all the details that make up our busy lives. They are the unsung heroes of our shuls, enabling us to serve Hashem in an environment that’s comfortable and conducive to Torah and tefillah. Since our shuls are so central to our lives, the role of the gabbai is enormous, ensuring that our relationship to Hakadosh Baruch Hu can develop and thrive.

All-in-one platform for gabba’im

The list of tasks facing a gabbai is enormous. From chasing down pledges and sending out zmanim to keeping track of who got which aliyah, there’s a lot to manage. With so many things on his mind, a gabbai needs assistance to make sure it all happens. The right tool needs to be easy to use and work intuitively. After all, the gabbai’s tasks frequently get done late at night, right before Shabbos, or during other “off” hours. Gabba’im need a solution that’s as robust and flexible as they are.

Take the gabbai above, who was talking to a Shulspace employee at 11:00 p.m. He later clarified that the reason he had to end the call abruptly was because he was in the emergency room, and his doctor walked in! Shulspace seeks to empower these heroes of Klal Yisrael by making their job as smooth as possible. This, in turn, makes the shul run better for everyone.

Shulspace was born from this drive to support gabba’im. Shulspace is an easy-to-use platform that has everything a gabbai could need built in. From invoicing pledges to sending out schedule texts to monitoring who got which aliyah, Shulspace takes the frustration out of the job and replaces it with simplicity. The reason Shulspace is able to do this is because every detail has been tested and tweaked based on thoughtful, real-world testing and feedback by gabba’im. The platform gets so many enthusiastic responses from gabba’im because it was literally built with them in mind.

One phone call is all it takes, and then a shul is set up with Shulspace—the all-in-one platform for gabba’im that is easy and intuitive to use. “We had lots of pledges but also lots of bills. We didn’t know what was coming in,” says Menachem G., the gabbai of Khal Bnei Torah in Lakewood. “We were using one software for zmanim, a different one for invoices, and a third one to send messages to the kahal. We often missed things.” After getting set up with Shulspace, the shul was transformed. Pledges are now tracked, so things don’t slip through the cracks. Collections are up 30 percent, and payments and donations come directly to the shul.

Shulspace features

Shulspace’s invoicing system is light-years ahead of the competition, since it’s built specially for the unique needs of shuls. “Other platforms may be created for non-profits, but none have gone to this length to build a software for gabba’im,” says Yossi Herz, Head of Product at Shulspace. “We understand the facts on the ground in a way that QuickBooks or other non-Jewish platforms never will.”

Improper invoicing and tracking means that there might be donations pledged or membership fees owed that were simply forgotten about. The member might be ready to send their payment…if only they remembered that they had pledged to. It’s a huge source of lost funds in many shuls. Shulspace remedies that through the powerful, easy-to-use payment tracking feature.

Beyond finance, Shulspace offers so much more as well. The announcement feature lets gabba’im create and send announcements with the click of a button. Edit a template with the times and details, and the entire shul gets an accurate and beautifully designed email or text. Shulspace has multiple template options, such as one for weekly minyan zmanim updates and one for Shabbos zmanim. “Our mispallelim appreciate the schedule texts, and it’s incredibly simple for me to set up,” explains Menachem. “You just update the template with the times, and it’s ready for me every week with the correct times. It’s a game changer. I do it once, and it just runs by itself.”

The powerful zmanim automation feature is one of the things gabba’im rave about the most.

Every shul that uses Shulspace also receives a complimentary website, which the gabbai can edit to match the shul’s logo, colors, and more. The website is one more way the shul can publish announcements and collect donations. For shuls that choose to remain internet-free, Shulspace is proud to say that the Shul Display system requires no internet. “We specifically built the connection between the Shul Display and Shulspace to need no internet, because we want to uphold the tremendous kedushah of the shul,” says Yossi.

The Shul Display is a screen hung in the shul lobby that can display any information the gabbai chooses, and it’s powered by Shulspace. The gabbai can easily edit it from anywhere, and zmanim, announcements, and sponsorships flow automatically from Shulspace to the Shul Display.

B’kavodig kibbudim

The kibbudim feature is another bonus aspect of Shulspace. “There’s always a yahrtzeit or something going on; people want an aliyah for different reasons. I try very hard to make sure that no one gets forgotten. The kibbudim tracker feature shows me who needs a kibbud or who hasn’t been asked to daven in a while. When I approach these people before they even ask me, they feel incredible.” The kibbudim tracker not only keeps track of which person got which aliyah, it also shows who hasn’t been honored recently.

Duvi G., from Grande River Shtibel in Toms River, has one more reason he loves using Shulspace. “Of course every shul wants to run smoothly. We also want the mispallelim to feel that the shul is organized, well-run, and that they’re in good hands. Shulspace is a smooth, professional system that takes care of all the details and really makes the shul feel like a serious place. As a gabbai, I feel the achrayus for the shul. Because of Shulspace, I can do things properly, and the whole shul feels and respects that.”

It’s just one more way Shulspace is empowering gabba’im, and, in turn, elevating shuls.

So many shuls have seen positive and even unexpected benefits after getting started with Shulspace. “I don’t have to run after anyone anymore. The mispallelim get the invoice in a very professional way, and this reminds them to remit their payment. They also appreciate that the monthly statements and balance reminder texts are done in a very courteous yet professional tone. It’s b’kavodik for them and for me,” says Duvi. One shul saw $20,000 in outstanding donations and pledges that were paid up after just three weeks with Shulspace!

What’s next

So, what’s next for Shulspace? Yossi is excited about things in the works. “We’re working on an Enterprise level, with even more robust tools and management systems, for shuls that are larger and need more. This will include event management, custom forms, seating charts, membership tracking, and so much more. We’re also currently in development with third-party reporting systems such as QuickBooks, so that the shuls’ accountants can easily see the whole picture.”

Shulspace is a project of, located right here in Lakewood. Readers are most likely familiar with other Bitbean klal projects, such as custom software for GoDaven and Torah Anytime. Bitbean also developed, the complete software system for schools and non-profits. Some commercial Bitbean projects include work for firms such as Eastern Union, Reliance Global Group (NASDAQ: RELI), and Cardcash. Bitbean is proud to be a driver of ruchniyus growth, and Shulspace is the perfect example of how the vision of founder Ephraim Arnstein comes to life. “Shulspace is truly a community effort,” says Yossi. “It was built because we personally and directly saw the need, we saw how gabba’im were overloaded, and we wanted to help make shuls run better.”

Shuls are the central hub of Yiddishkeit. When a shul has the tools it needs to run in an efficient, organized, and streamlined manner, the whole kahal feels it. Shulspace ensures that shuls have the resources they need, both logistically and financially, to ensure every need is met. A smoother experience in shul means a better atmosphere in shul and a more conducive environment for Torah and tefillah. Through empowering gabba’im, Shulspace is the quiet force powering Heavenly connections, one minyan announcement at a time.

Give your shul an aliyah. Call, text or WhatsApp 848-325-0701 or check us out at


Kibbud clarity: your chacham at the bimah

One of the most sensitive parts of a gabbai’s job is distributing kibbudim. Forgetting someone’s special occasion is extremely hurtful, even when unintentional. A mispallel who didn’t receive an aliyah in a while may feel sidelined.

To prevent that, the kibbud tracker was born. Each week’s aliyos are automatically prefilled, and the gabbai enters the recipient of the aliyah, who bought it for him, the sale amount, and the Mi Sheberach amount. Shulspace also enables the gabbai to input “matanah.” Then, the gabbai can choose from a selection of reasons why the aliyah was given, such as for a chosson or new father.

From there, it’s all automated. Automatic reminders are sent out, and the gabbai can see each parshah, its history, and what’s still outstanding. Additionally, the gabbai can track each person, knowing who didn’t have an aliyah in a while or who might have a yahrtzeit coming up.


The Gizbor Kiosk: your shul’s 24/7 fundraiser

What happens when a mispallel or visitor wants to make a payment in shul? The innovative Gizbor kiosk is the answer.

One hundred percent free for shuls, the kiosk is a small station that enables payments to quickly and easily be made with a credit card, charity card, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. The kiosk links to the shul’s Shulspace account for a completely streamlined experience. Patented barcode technology creates a revolutionary new payment flow, allowing members to easily pay for invoices and statements. The ability for users to donate to other organizations provides an additional revenue stream for the shul.

The Gizbor kiosk completely revamps the payment experience for both gabba’im and users. “No more running after people just for them to forget when they get home. This has changed our shul!”