Chanukah Gift Guide
December 3, 2020
Our Gift to You: The Chanukah 5781 Gift Guide
Compiled by Penina Nussbaum
During the cold and dark winter, Chanukah brings sparks of light, warmth, and hope. It is a beautiful time to show appreciation and love for those around us. Here are some suggestions of new and meaningful ways to brighten the day and share quality time together with your loved ones.
Younger Children
Crackers in My Bed
Players find the top and bottom matching “crackers” to feed the hungry teddy bear, while developing skills such as recognition of shapes and colors, memory, and taking turns.
Aleph Bais Race
A Jewish version of Spot-It!, this fun 55-card game is a good review of the Aleph-Bais as players race to match the letter on two cards.
Middos Man 6
Join this beloved character for another installment about working on our middos in a fun and kid-friendly way. Includes read-aloud audio-CD with musical accompaniment.
Kippah Keeper by Waterdale
This stylish acrylic box with a dome helps keep the shape of up to 20 yarmulkas and can be engraved to keep track of each child’s collection.
Older Children
Snap Shot
This fast-paced game helps develop cognitive skills and build teamwork as players race to match corresponding cards of pictures and words.
$9.99 – $34.99
Co-invented by a teacher and magician, Perplexus is a series of 3-D puzzle games, which players turn and twist to navigate a small steel ball through a maze, ranging from 30 to 125 steps.
Super-Agent Gizmo 3: Operation Egghead
Join Gavriel Zalman for more amazing adventures in this popular comic series! Follow in suspense as new and returning characters engage in dilemmas of bein adam l’chaveiro while traveling in real-world exotic locations. There is also an audio read-along available from www.
The Circle magazine
$185/year (in Lakewood)
Get exciting and interesting content delivered to your young readers, not only on Chanukah but every week of the year!
New subscribers via telephone receive $10 off an annual subscription. New subscribers via get $15 off. FREE Chanukah gift for all new and existing subscribers: Two free Circle card packs!
Metal Earth
Starts at $6.95
These innovative kits include pre-printed sheets of steel cut-outs that connect to form 3-D models. Designs range from easy to challenging and include famous buildings, construction and military vehicles, spacecraft, and more. No glue or tools required!
Election Night
Were you hooked on the election? Did you or your kids have questions about the voting process? This award-winning game is a fun way to learn about the election system while developing skills in strategy, math, civics, and geography.
Hot Air Popcorn Maker by Brentwood
Turn snack-time into a fun activity anytime, when the kids can prepare their own fun and healthy treat.
Retro Heated Travel Mug by Tech Tools
This stylish and practical mug plugs into your car’s 12V socket to keep your coffee hot on your long drive on those cold winter mornings.
At Any Hour: Harav Shlomo Gissinger
Be inspired and grow from the memories shared by those who knew, loved, and respected Rabbi Gissinger – posek, talmid chacham, advocate, builder of kehillos, and a sensitive Yid who cared for every individual.
Vase by MacKenzie-Childs
This “Courtly Check” pattern fits both modern and vintage decor. It is a beautiful and unique centerpiece alone or filled with your favorite blooms.
Dinner Done
Leah Schapira, Victoria Dwek, Renee Muller, Esti Waldman, and Shaindy Menzer from the popular website collaborated to share over 150 quick-to-prepare, family-friendly dishes with beautiful photos for every single dish, and other lifestyle tips.
The Illustrated Tehillim
This beautiful new Tehillim includes the Hebrew text with English translation and introductions to each perek. Stunning illustrations by renowned artist Yoel Waxberger will inspire a new appreciation and strengthen our connection with the words and their meaning.
Eitan Katz: Unplugged 3
The whole family can enjoy this beloved musician’s 3rd album of soul-stirring niggunim composed by Shlomo Carlebach.
Thank you to Toys4U, The Yellow Door, DB Electronics, Judaica Plaza, Israel Bookshop Publications, and Artscrollfor their contributions to this article.