Changes on the Home(buying) Front Elisheva Braun A class action lawsuit filed by homeowners. The $418 million of Chicago-based NAR, National Association of Realtors. Buyers and brokers quietly panicking. This feature isn’t about the sellers, or the NAR, or even the national housing crisis. This is about us—me and you and the people we love—and […]
Read MorePlaying the Game The pressures of materialism are exploding. Are we doomed to play along? Elisheva Braun It’s the classic sad stereotype: The diamond-encrusted woman in the $1,200 dress who gets Tomchei Shabbos boxes. The Infinity-driving, kiddush-throwing success who begs for loans behind closed doors. With ever-increasing social pressures and escalating prices, this trope is […]
Read MoreStrauss In a month marked by tremendous displays of kavod haTorah, the kabalas panim of gedolei Eretz Yisrael this Sunday was one that promised to stand out. Tens of thousands were to gather on the streets of Lakewood just to get a glimpse of the venerated gedolei hador. Excitement began building last week as word […]
Read MoreM. Brejt To frum Jews, Lakewood, the bastion of Torah in the United States, is the center of the US, where everything important happens. Mr. Arnold (Ovadia)Wechsler is a newcomer to Lakewood and hails from a drastically different center of the United States: the top of the New York police department. Mr. Wechsler was privileged […]
Read MoreThere’s something magical about those two words that elicits a powerful, visceral reaction. What triggers such a deeply passionate response? Ask this question to a yungerman, to the eishes chaver of a yungerman, to a donor, or to any other member of the Lakewood kehillah, and the answer will be the same. It’s because adirei […]
Read MoreThe man behind RCCS’s medical mind Ruchama Schnaidman You’d think you entered a medical vault, a think tank, or a meeting of sharp, MD minds. Rare diagnoses, complicated tests, and clinical trials are mentioned as complex medical cases are raised and discussed. You’re clearly in the presence of brilliance. Then you encounter the humility. The […]
Read MoreThe Power of More Shevi Handelsman “Everyone laments the shidduch crisis and the difficulty in getting a shadchan’s attention. I wanted to do something.” These fateful words of Rabbi Moshe Bender set a revolution in motion. It has a name: Kesher. And a mission: creating a centralized shidduch system that changes the game for singles […]
Read MoreThe Chai Lifeline family carries mine Shani Pruzansky January 5, 2023, 11:14 a.m. The world is caving in on me. Everything that was once stable and solid is crumbling beneath me, turning to dust as I watch, helpless. I’ve been diagnosed. After two nail-biting weeks of tests and scans and so, so many questions, the […]
Read MoreFine quality furniture exclusively designed for a kallah’s vision and a mechutan’s budget M.R. Perl There’s nothing like the excitement of a kallah setting up a beautiful home, the fulfillment of all her dreams come true. Any kallah will tell you that it’s not just a table or a chair, but a very personal decision. […]
Read MorePlease note: It’s important to call any location in advance to confirm hours, availability, and pricing. Some discounts on admission can be found at com, groupon.com, and theoceancountylibrary.org/museum-pass-program. Stay safe and have fun! The Voice does not take responsibility for any errors listed below or the kashrus of any establishment. Special for Pesach 5784 […]
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