Midwest Rabbanim Gather to Address Shidduch Crisis Meir Kass Leading rabbanim, roshei yeshivah, and community leaders across the Midwest convened last week to confront a long-standing challenge facing Klal Yisrael—the shidduch crisis. The asifos, held in Chicago, Toronto, Cleveland, and Detroit, focused on a groundbreaking plan spearheaded by Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, aimed at giving […]
Read MoreHow to Manage the Morning Rush Mornings in a busy household can feel like a race against the clock, especially when the goal is to get everyone out the door on time for yeshivah. Between dressing the kids, packing lunches, brushing teeth, and signing homework, it’s no wonder mornings can become chaotic. For families with […]
Read MoreCarving Out Quality Time with Our Children: Raising a large family is a tremendous blessing, but it can also come with the challenge of ensuring that each child feels seen, valued, and loved. With busy schedules, work commitments, and the daily demands of running a household, carving out one-on-one quality time with our children can […]
Read MoreDonald Trump Completes His Triumphant Return to the White House Meir Kass Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president on Monday, returning to power with a promise to end America’s decline and to “completely and totally reverse” the actions of Joe Biden, the man who drove him from office four years ago. Trump […]
Read MoreAvraham Leffler School refusal. The mere mention of these two words is enough to cause anxiety in even the hardiest of souls. And to some extent, it’s for good reason. School is very important, but there are stressors. When a child refuses to go to school, the parents are understandably unsure of what to do, […]
Read MoreMalka Rosen Name: Mrs. Shaindy (Soskin) Applegrad Year moved: 2004 Originally from: Kensington, Brooklyn Current neighborhood: Pine River Village Job: teacher, principal “Teach with passion or not at all. Teaching isn’t a job; it’s a calling,” says Mrs. Shaindy Applegrad, educator extraordinaire. Mother, bubby, teacher, and former principal, Mrs. Applegrad has spent decades giving […]
Read MoreShaindy Lieberman “You, yes you!” said the teacher. No one responded. “You, in the third seat,” called the instructor. No one reacted. “You, please read the next few lines,” was the command. The lines were read, but no one felt recognized. “You, I’m calling on you!” she had said. No one felt heard. Really heard. […]
Read MoreA. Weiss The singer cradles the mic as the music thunders in the background. His voice soars through the crowded room, and the audience leans back in their chairs carried off by his magnificent tenor. He belts out hit after hit, making quips between each number, and leaves the audience amazed by his skill and […]
Read MoreThere’s something magical about the soft flicker of candlelight. It creates a mood of warmth and undeniable elegance. In this Chanukah party scene, the stunning array of candles enhances the festive spirit and adds a touch of sophistication. Whether you’re hosting a small family party or a large-scale event, adding a few candles always transforms […]
Read MoreMy son, Shimi, was a happy kid who was comfortable in his body and knew how to have a good time with friends. However, a few months ago, I was called into a meeting at his school to discuss some of the behavioral challenges he was exhibiting. His classroom teachers’ chief complaint was that Shimi […]
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